The European5000 Adventure Rally is a 5,000 kilometre journey across Western Europe. It endures twelve days - start is on 08.09.18 near Munich, the finish on 20.09.18 in Amsterdam. The participating cars must be at least 20 years old, the use of motorways is limited, and navigation and GPS are prohibited. The rally is not only about driving fun and adventure, but also for a good cause. Therefore, each team collects money in advance for a self-chosen or proposed project. A team member of "Mamaladnamala" is an employee & WLAN expert of NetModule, which is why NetModule also supports the chosen project "Träume für kranke Kinder Erlangen e.V." with a donation. In addition, an NB800 router hitches a ride and runs as a local access point.
NetModule wishes a lot of fun!